
The Litany of Praises

Pubblicato il 30-11--0001

The Litany of Praises 




Frenchy Bernadone (a.k.a. Francis of Assisi)


Translated by


John Gronbeck-Tedesco




Unspeakable One







And more

Let all be-a-ti-tud-i-ne be upon you for the good, good goodness of your creeee-activations!

Es-special-ment for mister brother sun

Who brightens enlightens all--

  Is the gleaming lux-all image of your

Huge clarity and splendor—enor, mon signor!

And praises, O my Most, for sister moon—

Starlit star bright mademoiselle—

Pure and stainless, silver and innocent.

Again for macho brother wind,

Who gusts your vehement air

Upon life alive, si` . . . ah . . . yes.

More praise, my One, for little sister water

Humble, precious,

Brimming and bustling, busy and sweet.

For our beamish brother fire too—

Handsome and jolly, hardy and strong—

His dazzle dazzles the darkness semper and sempre.

Praise and yes to our sister mother earth.

She breathes verdur-a-ta.

She breathes f-f-f-fiori f-f-f-flowers—fresh.

She breathes spices—ah!  Mmmmmm, good.

All over the place.

Praise, my Mostissimo, for our sister death.

She bashes sinners with justice,

To the good  she gives an eternity  in your eyes--AHhhh.  AH!

Go ahead, take His grip in trouble.

In sickness hold on and on.

Keep on holding on.


Please, my Most,

Raise up the peacemakers and

Crown them, crown them, crown them high, higher,  


Everyone get happy and rise up free.

All creatures beate’

All creatures laudate

All creatures serve’



Huh huh—Good work—Youbetcha—Amen. Amen. Yes!

  Trans. by John Gronbeck-Tedesco


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